Clearwater leaders, residents, and business owners are showing their support for this project because a YES vote means more opportunities, preserved public spaces, and a revitalized downtown for generations to come.

Alex Chamberlain, Former Chair Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce, Clearwater Beach

Kathleen Beckman, Vice Mayor and City Councilmember, Sand Key:
“The projects in this referendum are a great opportunity to bring more residents and travelers to our downtown, creating a long term vibrancy that downtown Clearwater needs.”

Mark Bunker, City Councilmember

Dr. Bob Cundiff, Former City Councilmember, Del Oro:
“I say YES! As a former Clearwater councilmember, I whole-heartedly support the proposed project on the bluff on Osceola Ave. To encourage new residents and businesses downtown; this is an ideal plan.”

John Draheim, Past Chairman Clearwater Marine Aquarium Board, Island Estates:
“I fully support the passage of this referendum because of how important and necessary the Imagine Clearwater effort is to help make Clearwater the fully vibrant and family-friendly city it has the potential to be. Once more affordable apartments, hotel rooms, restaurants, retail establishments and other necessary services are built and developed in downtown Clearwater in the Coachman Park, former Harborview Center and unoccupied City Hall property this will result in populating the city with the people, jobs and necessary supporting services to create a totally vibrant and functioning place for people to live, work and play. The first step is for the referendum to pass to allow all of this to happen which is why I fully support voting “Yes” for this highly necessary referendum.”

Melody Figurski, Mrs. Clearwater 2013, Mrs. Countryside 1997:
“I encourage everyone to vote yes so we can make sure this land is used to the benefit of all citizens of Clearwater and our visitors.”
Andrew Hupp, Island Estates
Andrew Winkler, Countryside

Anne Fogarty France, Former Manager of Clearwater Downtown Community Redevelopment Agency:
“Voting yes on this referendum question will add to the tax base and bring people and much needed vibrancy to downtown Clearwater. Add in the Imagine Clearwater waterfront improvements and it is a recipe for success.”

Barb Green, Mrs. Clearwater 1998, Founder Homeless Empowerment Program (HEP):
“This project has the potential to dramatically increase tourism to the area, create thousands of new jobs, and allow our small businesses in the downtown area to thrive. I see this as a win for all people in this community - of every income level.”

Barry Shevlin, Clearwater Beach, Founder and Past CEO of Vology:
“Voting Yes on the November referendum will transform downtown Clearwater and restore it to a place of great opportunity and benefit for all citizens of Clearwater.”

Beth Daniels, Esq., Vice President Clearwater Arts Alliance:
“I strongly support passage of the referendum. These projects will truly activate and revitalize our beautiful bluff area and will benefit our entire community.”

Bill Sturtevant, Past Chair Clearwater Downtown Partnership
Bill Blackwood, Clearwater Beach

Bob Passwaters, Provident
Bobby Rowe, Clearwater Beach

Brian Aungst, Jr., Mr. Countryside 2021:
“Voting yes on the November referendum will bring generational change not just for downtown but for the benefit of all of Clearwater. The referendum will unlock and activate Coachman Park and greatly improve sustainable economic development of downtown for all Clearwater residents. I look forward to enjoying the transformed Coachman Park and bluff with my children and grandchildren for years to come. A yes vote is a vote for greater quality of life, quality neighborhoods, and quality jobs for all of Clearwater.”

Brian Aungst, Sr., Former Mayor, Mr. Clearwater 2017, Mr. Countryside 2014:
“The citizens of Clearwater have worked for decades to realize the promise of a renewed and revitalized downtown for all the people. This plan is the best opportunity to fulfill that dream and to honor the hard work of so many volunteers and servant leaders to restore downtown Clearwater to a place of prominence we can all be proud of.”

Bud Elias, Mr. Countryside 2000

Camille Hebting, Clearwater Neighborhood and Affordable Housing Advisory Board and Amplify Clearwater Board:
“It is time for Clearwater voters to say YES to Clearwater and the redevelopment of the Downtown Clearwater Bluffs. We must act now to set a trajectory of growth for our own backyard, and finally compete with St Pete and Tampa to attract households with high disposable income.”

Carl Schrader, President Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition:
“Voting YES for this referendum begins the transformation of our downtown to something exciting and wonderful.”

David Yates, Former CEO Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Producer of major motion pictures Dolphin Tale and Dolphin Tale 2:
“Imagine Clearwater has been a dream for the citizens of Clearwater for many years. I could not be more pleased to see this come to fruition and I'm excited to see the impact it will make on the downtown and waterfront area.”

David Lillesand, Esq., Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition Counsel, Water’s Edge:
“Having lived and worked downtown for over ten years, I believe the addition of 500-600 apartments to substantially increase the number of full-time residents, will support new businesses and restore the vibrancy of Clearwater’s central core area. We’ll turn formally city-owned tax-exempt property into productive resources benefitting the entire Clearwater community.”

David Allbritton, City Councilmember, Island Estates:
“Speaking from a seven-generation family in Clearwater, I have seen many opportunities for the betterment of our City come and go over the many years I have lived here. The Council and the City staff have worked hard to find a developer with the right plan to activate vibrancy four our lifeless downtown. Let’s NOT let this opportunity pass us by…Please vote YES for the bluff development around our beautiful waterfront Coachman Park in November and join us in creating the spark to activate our downtown benefiting ALL the citizens of Clearwater.”

Debbie White, Mrs. Clearwater 2019, Ruth Eckerd Hall Board:
The Clearwater Bluff is a cherished treasure of the city and should be viewed and developed with that in mind. The time is right with the Coachman Amphitheater and Coachman Park being renovated to develop the other bluff parcels with a hotel, apartments and other commercial space to allow the citizens and visitors to enjoy that fabulous view with a reason to visit or live there. Vote to complete the Imagine Clearwater project.”

Doreen Caudell, Former City Councilmember, Harbor Oaks:
“As a former Community Development Board member (2006-2012), a former Councilmember (2012-2018), and a former Chair of Forward Pinellas, I endorse our new City Manager and new City Attorney moving forward with the redevelopment of “The Bluff Project” ensuring the process is being handled with the citizens in mind. This is very important to the redevelopment of our region! We will see a significant improvement to this stalled location! Please vote Yes to the referendum question on the ballot in November!”
Doug Kelly, Host of the Kelly Kelly Show WTAN-1340:
“I strongly hope my fellow citizens will also vote YES on passing this referendum as it will be a source of great pride and enjoyment for residents and visitors for generations to come.”

Dr. Paul Phillips, Ruth Eckerd Hall Board, Clearwater Cardiovascular Consultants:
“Clearwater like the mythological Phoenix is rising from its ashes. Its regeneration has been years in the making but is now within reach. I enthusiastically support the plans for the downtown revitalization and encourage all citizens to vote “Yes for Clearwater.””

Ed and Marsha Droste, Island Estates, Mr. Clearwater 2004:
Ed: “The Drostes are very excited about this proactive initiative that can bring constructive growth and vibrancy to our beautiful and vital bluff and downtown.”

Eric Waltz, Countryside, General Manager Sandpearl Resort:
“We fully support the plan for development of these two critical areas of the Imagine Clearwater project. For too many years we have watched as our guests drive right by downtown Clearwater and go straight to the beach. By developing this area, it improves our entire community by giving not only residents something to enjoy but our visitors as well. The project will add life to our downtown and make our destination even greater to all involved.”

Frank Dame, Former CEO Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Island Estates:
“For many years, the citizens of Clearwater and the leaders of Clearwater have had a tremendous desire to revitalize our downtown core but to no avail. Now, we have an opportunity before us to truly make a difference and see a real renaissance occur with the passage of the upcoming referendum that will be the catalyst for a vibrant downtown. I urge everyone to go out and vote FOR the passage of this important project that will change the future of Downtown Clearwater in a very positive way.”

George Cretekos, Former Mayor and City Councilmember, Sand Key:
“As a youth growing up in Tarpon Springs, I enjoyed coming to Clearwater’s downtown for shopping, entertainment, and recreation. The Council and I as Mayor approved the initial Imagine Clearwater project as a means of revitalizing Coachman Park and downtown for the entire community. I believe a “yes” vote in November will help downtown Clearwater become a Tampa Bay destination once again.”
Greg McClimans, Harbor Oaks
Herb McLachlan, Sand Key
Howard Warshauer, Past Vice Chair Clearwater Downtown Partnership:
“For many years the City of Clearwater has contracted studies, deliberated, formed citizen committees and spent a lot of money to find the path leading to a downtown that would attract people to live, play and work. We are in the process of spending a large sum of money to make our downtown bluff one of the most attractive and inviting in Florida. The Gotham development is the missing link that will provide additional thousands of residents and visitors to our downtown area. I urge everyone to vote a resounding YES for this development.”

Hoyt Hamilton, Former City Councilmember, Coachman Ridge:
“Coupled with the redevelopment of Coachman Park, this referendum and the development it allows is exactly what the citizens of Clearwater deserve. The increased tax base along with the fulltime residents that will occupy this project will give Downtown the vibrancy that it deserves. I strongly recommend a yes vote on this referendum. Even if you don’t want to go Downtown, don’t deny this opportunity for those of us that believe in its potential.”

Jay Polglaze, Former Councilmember

Jeanie Renfrow:
“The Imagine Clearwater project is one of the most important plans to come before City of Clearwater voters. It will be a legacy for our City’s future.”

Jim Coats, Former Pinellas County Sheriff, Sand Key:
“The citizens of Clearwater have waited years for the right opportunity to revitalize their downtown. This is a once in a lifetime chance to make downtown Clearwater an active and open space for all residents. I strongly encourage my fellow Clearwater citizens to support the referendum and vote Yes.”

John Doran, Former Councilmember:
“We have another opportunity to allow Clearwater’s waterfront and downtown to be the destination that it could and should be. Vote YES for Clearwater!”

Karen Cunningham, Past President Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition, Countryside:
“We have many projects currently being implemented to enhance the quality of life and natural environment in our City. The developer’s willingness to work with the City and to provide private investment in this City could help us achieve our broader goals.”
Kevin Hawkins
Kelly Kelly, Secretary Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition, Host of the Kelly Kelly Show WTAN-1340:
“We’ve been talking about turning the downtown bluff area into something of great value for over 20 years. We must take this opportunity to make it a reality by supporting the referendum.”
Lee Arnold, Clearwater Beach

Lina Teixeira, City Councilmember:
“The day has come for Clearwater to have a diverse, vibrant and self- sustainable downtown.”

Mayor Frank Hibbard, Mayor of Clearwater, Harbor Oaks:
“This referendum has the ability to move downtown Clearwater forward like nothing we have seen in over 20 years. I encourage all Clearwater residents to vote yes November 8th. This project has the potential to make downtown Clearwater self-sufficient and be the next catalyst for making downtown a better place for all.”

Mike and Suzanne Mannino, Spring Branch Neighborhood:
“We enthusiastically support “Yes for Clearwater” and their mission of educating Clearwater families of our opportunity as a community to finally unlock the amazing potential of Coachman Park and Downtown Clearwater through the Imagine Clearwater Plan. This once in a lifetime opportunity is way overdue and it is our time as voters to stand up and vote “Yes” to the November 8th referendum as we reimagine what downtown Clearwater will soon become. “Yes” to generational enjoyment for our Clearwater families.”

Mike Riordon, Hillcrest:
“Never in the history of Clearwater have we had the will and opportunity to transform downtown especially on our beautiful bluff and park. Vote yes for Clearwater.”

Mike Mastruserio, Harbor Oaks
Nino Accetta

Paul Andrews, Clearwater Beach, General Manager Shephard’s Beach Resort:
“Yes, for Clearwater, the time has come! Some opportunities only emerge once in a lifetime. This opportunity upon us will be a game changer for Clearwater. Over 24 years of working and living in Clearwater, I have seen Downtown Clearwater struggle. Yet, hundreds of residents have put their heart and soul into keeping Clearwater relevant over the years. We would not be here at this juncture if their efforts were fruitless. We need to harness this opportunity in front of us with enthusiasm and passion for the future prosperity of Clearwater. I, for one, love Clearwater and know its true potential is staring us in the face. But unfortunately, over the years, Downtown has been overlooked because of the missed opportunities in the past. As we push forward with the Coachman Park redevelopment, the missing piece is this extraordinary development proposed by Gotham Property Acquisitions, LL, and the DeNunzio Group, LL. Our City Staff and Council have properly vetted them, and their qualifications have impressed everyone. This opportunity is that once-in-a-lifetime moment that we have been waiting for. Clearwater, we have the location, the team, the right time, and this fantastic opportunity to come together and support this project. There is no better way to compliment all the success of Clearwater Beach, than with a beautiful signature piece for the Downtown. All our fellow Clearwater residents and tourists truly deserve a fabulous Downtown to be proud of. The energy over this project is palpable and once executed it will become the catalyst for the future revitalization of the entire Downtown Clearwater. In closing, let us all move forward and support this effort by saying, ‘Yes, for Clearwater!’”
Patricia and Dennis Rodriguez, Island Estates, Founders of Clearwater Ferry

Ray Bouchard, Ruth Eckerd Hall Board Chair:
“The City of Clearwater has a rare opportunity to change decades of underuse of its downtown. Complimenting the ongoing Imagine Clearwater project, approval of the referendum to develop the bluff will be a catalyst that will ignite economic growth while improving the quality of life for those in our community.”

Ray Ferrara, Mr. Clearwater 2018
Rowland and Kathy Milam, Old Clearwater Bay

Russ Kimball, General Manager Sheraton Sand Key Resort
Scott Souza, Downtown Clearwater Merchant’s Association

Sean Schrader, Past Officer of the Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition:
“I support this project because I believe it makes great use of a vital area of our city, and provides opportunities for every resident to fully enjoy our unique downtown environment.”

State Senator Ed Hooper, Clearwater Fire Department (Retired):
“This is the opportunity the citizens of Clearwater have been working for many years to revitalize downtown Clearwater and restore it to a place of pride and prosperity for the entire community. I encourage the citizens of Clearwater to vote Yes on November 8th.”

Susan Crockett, CEO Ruth Eckerd Hall:
“This referendum is the critical next step toward a vibrant downtown community. The two projects perfectly fit the master plan by stimulating investment, maximizing city assets and most importantly, protecting the beauty of Clearwater’s waterfront through proper utilization.”
Suzan Decker Ross

Sheri Heilman, President Heilman’s Restaurants Inc, Chair Amplify Clearwater Chamber of Commerce, and Founder/Chair Ocean Allies:
“I support the revitalization of downtown Clearwater. This part of our city needs to continue to grow as a vibrant part of our community. This project will not only generate revenue, it will bring opportunities and excitement to our residents and visitors. I support the passing of the referendum as it is crucial to our city’s future.”

Terry Deeb, Esq., Ruth Eckerd Hall Board:
“I fully support the referendum giving City Council the authority to sell the two government-owned properties to Gotham Property Acquisitions and the DeNunzio Group as an integral piece of the plan to revitalize downtown Clearwater for the benefit of all its citizens.”

Tommy Duff, Island Estates:
“YES! Downtown will redefine the term Dynamic.”

Tracy West, Amplify Clearwater and Ruth Eckerd Hall Boards:
“With the exciting development of Coachman Park, downtown Clearwater is poised for a welcomed rebirth. As someone who works to steadfastly impact tourism and economic impact into our region, the continued redevelopment of Clearwater and unoccupied downtown property will enhance the efforts of Imagine Clearwater, bringing value to attracting visitors and generating positive growth for our wider community. I support the passage of this referendum and encourage the backing of “Yes for Clearwater.”

Victor Lucas, Mr. Countryside 2022:
“I support this proposed development as it provides an opportunity to enhance job creation, possibly add to the affordable housing inventory and be a driver of continued and growing investment in Downtown Clearwater.”
Wayne Shelor, Clearwater Police Department (Retired)